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Accepted & Rebuilt (Shattered Duet Book 2) Read online

Page 4

  I glance at my sister. By the looks of her, not much. It worries me.

  “I know a good combo of food,” Rose murmurs after a long pause. “I mean, Lacey and I have pretty much lived on it. It’s really not bad.”

  I smile at her. “Yeah?”

  She’s making an effort with me.

  “Yeah,” she confirms. “I’ll make it for you.”

  “I appreciate that, sis.”

  It’s a tender moment, until she shoves me out of the way to get to the kitchen. I laugh. The more time I spend with her, the more I see the small traits that we share. It’s so strange. I move to sit next to Lacey, letting some of my relaxed, laid back persona fade.

  She can take it. More than that, Lacey seems the type to appreciate it.

  “We should probably talk, yeah?”

  She swallows and nods.

  “You two want to live. I have some ideas on how to make that happen.”

  Lacey becomes hard and, of course, I find myself caring. I find myself invested in their safety for more reasons than Sage. Although that is a big part of it.

  Rose is pretty awesome. She’s sarcastic, kind, gentle, and guarded. I wonder what role Aaron played in all that?

  Lacey is intriguing. She’s obviously suffering with PTSD, but she’s also incredibly hardened and very much a fighter. I can tell that already.

  Now, should I fail, I don’t just lose Sage and a sister that’s more of a figment of my imagination than real.


  I lose three incredible women. None of whom deserve these criminals destroying their lives and wrecking their minds.

  Ironically, it’s my tainted soul that’s gonna be the one help them.


  The sound of the floor squeaking has me leaping out of bed. Like I was really gonna sleep in the first place.

  I quietly creep into the main area. The first thing I do is check for the girls, gun drawn, keeping an awareness of my surroundings.

  Rose is on the floor, quietly sleeping, long limbs all stretched out, but Lacey’s missing. Slight panic takes over, but something tells me she’s in the kind of danger that is a threat to no one but herself.

  I slowly make my way around the kitchen counter to find Lacey huddled on the floor with a knife in her hand and blood running down her forearm.

  My head falls.

  I knew it.

  She hurts herself. Self-harms.


  “Hey, kid,” I whisper.

  Her head snaps up. Her eyes go impossibly wide. She drops the knife immediately, sending it crashing to the floor. She frantically scrambles backward, shoving the sweatshirt back down her arm.

  “It’s okay. Shh. I’m not judging,” I whisper, extending a hand. “Let’s get you clean before Rose wakes up. Okay?”

  She looks so vulnerable and scared. Nothing like the girl who made plans with me only hours ago.

  “It’s okay, Lacey.”

  It’s not okay to her. It’s clearly not okay. She’s looking at me like I’m about to hit her, so I crouch down and make myself as non-threatening as possible.

  “My girlfriend has had bad things happen to her, too,” I whisper so I don’t wake Rose. “Her name is Sage. I promise I’m not judging. All I want is for you to clean yourself up so it doesn’t get infected.”

  She continues to study me. After a few moments, she lightens up a little.

  “I’m not asking for anything other than that you let me help you out and get the supplies you need to clean yourself. I’m not asking for your secrets, kid.”

  That earns me a hand. Her fingers don’t wrap around me at all. She makes it easy for her to pull away, but she allows the contact. As soon as she’s on her feet, she snatches her hand away and brings it to her chest, never once taking her eyes off of me.

  From there, I get the supplies ready and leave her to it. I have the strong desire to help her, to make sure she’s okay, but I keep my word and head back to bed to give her privacy. Of course, after removing all the knives from the house and bringing them to my room.

  I’m back in bed, staring at the ceiling, when I hear my name being frantically called from the living room. I run out to see Rose freaking out. Her blonde hair is sticking up all over. Her blue eyes are wide. One sock is rolled up, one is rolled down. She woke up to find her best friend missing and called for me immediately.

  Called for me.

  That feels good.

  We had a talk. I explained where Lacey was, which obviously upset her, but she knows her friend and the struggles she faces. When I’m done explaining Rose’s face falls with hopelessness written all over it.

  “Nix, are we doomed to fail?” Her eyes fill with unshed tears. “He’ll never stop looking for me.”

  Fucking Sven. What the fuck does the underboss need with my sister? She’s too fragile for him.

  “Not if I can help it,” I growl.

  “Why do you care? Why are you doing this?” she yells suddenly. “We don’t even know you! You can’t possibly owe my father that much!”

  “I don’t owe that bastard a damn thing! This puzzle has many pieces. Ones you are better off not knowing about, but I will say this. You are wrong that I don’t care. I’d absolutely care if something happened to you. And now Lacey too. Now, get to bed, or at least fake it. Lacey will feel very ashamed if you are awake and watching her when she gets out here. Night Rose. I…”

  I… what? Love her? I don’t even know her. I don’t let myself finish that sentence. I drag my body back down the hall. I can’t play big brother. Not now, not ever.

  Now I’m back in my room.

  Ring! Ring! Ring!

  I leap out of bed and grab my cell phone. I know it’s Rod without checking, so I pick up immediately.

  “Is Sage okay?”

  He groans. “God, you’re a pussy. You have to get out of there. A couple guys from the mafia went to see Aaron today. Aaron thinks you have a little time, but you do need to head out soon.”

  “I want proof of life. Put Sage on.”

  “You have a one-track mind.”

  “Sage,” I growl.

  I can almost hear him roll his eyes. “Not yet, Nix. You have to earn it.”

  “I’m here. I’m moving them. I just want to hear her voice.”

  “No can do, buddy. Move the girls. Good luck with all that.”


  It takes me a minute to gather myself. I have to be in control. I have to compartmentalize. I have to get the girls out of here.

  My heart is with Sage as I go out into the hall. Lacey immediately pops up and jumps over the back of the couch.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “We have to go immediately.”

  She nods, fisting her hands, and immediately goes to pack.

  I go to Rose, giving myself one beat just to look at her. It feels surreal that she’s here. Wait. No. God, what am I doing?

  Now is not the time to dwell on that. I shake my head back and forth for a beat before pushing to my feet.

  “Up! Up! Rose,” I call. She stirs. “Up, sis. There you go.”

  It’s chaos from there on. Lacey’s ill — mentally, obviously, but she’s physically unwell also. It’s becoming apparent the more she has to put stress on her body. Whatever she went through before this left her in a bad way.

  I feel bad for having to move them. Especially as we hike down the hill to get to my car. I carry the majority of the bags, Rose carries the extra. Before we left, Rose explained to me that Lacey seriously struggled, getting up to the cabin. She explained that we have to watch her carefully on the way down to make sure she doesn’t pass out.

  The hike down is brutal, mainly because Lacey does really struggle. She’s pale, shaking, on the verge of tears, but she’s trying so hard to hide it.

  When we finally get to my sedan, the first person I usher in is Lacey. Rose and I share a look as Lacey crawls in. She needs medical care. I know. I just don’t know how to get it for h
er. Once we’re on the road, safe, I’ll figure it out.

  We can’t get caught.

  The frustration of not knowing how Sage is bounces around in my head, round and round, driving me half insane.

  We’re not even a couple minutes out when a large, black Cadillac cuts us off.

  “Motherfucker,” I hiss.

  Rose screams.

  Lacey goes eerily silent.

  I don’t know why. Not until I come face to face with the mafia boss and his right hand. A man obsessed with my sister. Both armed. Me with little chance at stopping them from doing what they came here to do.

  Take the girls.

  That’s when Lacey’s silence makes sense. Because, here’s the thing. The boss, the fucking head of the mafia, has a thing for the small grey-eyed girl. He wants her. So she sacrifices herself so I can get Rose safe. A little finagling with the underboss’s feelings for my sister, and Rose and I are driving free.

  Sans Lacey.

  And despite the fact that Lacey’s safety has no impact on Sage’s, it kills me that I couldn’t save her, too.

  Rose is obviously frantic when I get in the car. Her best friend just got taken away by the mafia. I get it. I’m just as pissed as she is scared.

  But right now, there’s nothing we can do about it. As confident, some say cocky, as I am, there was no way we were getting out of that. I was cornered by two of the highest-ranking mafia men in our area of the country. There was no way I was getting both girls free in that situation. Lacey saved Rose.

  But now it’s just me and Rose. The sister I never knew. The sister I can’t tell anything to. It’s depressing. I let the silence hang for another moment.

  Just ‘cause I can’t tell her anything doesn’t mean I can’t learn more about her.

  “You’re either stupid or getting paid a lot of money to do this,” Rose cuts in, before I can say anything.

  “I’d like to say neither,” I laugh, but when I see Rose look longingly over at Lacey’s empty seat, it dies. “I’m sorry, Rose. I didn’t want to leave her. She’s a good girl and…”

  Much to both of our surprise, I get choked up. The emotions from everything get lodged in my throat.

  “You okay?” Rose whispers, concern lacing her voice. Just to hear her ask that, just to hear someone from my family ask that, nearly sends me into an emotional spiral I’m not sure I’d ever get out of. I quickly clear my throat.

  “Yeah. Fine. Just… well, my girl has PTSD, too. Lacey reminded me of her a bit. Seeing her taken away just…” I let out a woosh of air. “It hurt. I mean what I said. I plan to get her back. I need to get you safe and situated first, though. You are my priority.”


  Good question, Rose. I feel myself become more guarded.

  Sage, that’s why.

  “Just are. Puzzle pieces, remember?” I respond lightly, referring to a comment I made earlier about how me being here was a smaller piece to a much larger puzzle.

  The truth.

  The tiny piece of it I can give her.

  Despite the heaviness in the air with Lacey missing, Rose and I actually have a good talk. I learn what led to Lacey’s PTSD. She was held captive by various mafia families. It hurts to hear that. I can’t even imagine what they did to her.

  On top of that, I also get to learn about Rose. Her take on growing up with our father — not that she knows he’s both of ours — her passion for helping people with addictions and disorders, her struggle with her own (again, thanks to fucking Aaron), and last, but definitely not least, how she got wrapped up with the mafia.

  It’s a fascinating tale, but as cruel as it sounds, not crucial to me saving Sage. I got more information than I needed from her, out of curiosity, but I guess hearing her lay out her life gives me more perspective. When she talks about her time growing up with Aaron, I can’t help the jealousy that roars inside me. Why did she get the good and I got the bad? What did I ever do to deserve his wrath?

  Anyway, it doesn’t really matter. My feelings have never really mattered. The only person they’ve ever mattered to is Sage, and I swear to God, if Aaron hurts her…

  I’ll do worse than kill him.

  I took Rose to a safe house I acquired years ago. I wanted a place no one knew about in case I should ever need it. Sage knew about it, but I told her we’d hopefully never see the inside of it.

  She was more than happy to accept that. Despite her lavish upbringing, she is not at all materialistic. She loves our little place. I’ve offered to let her redecorate many times, but she’s always vehemently refused, saying this place was home. So we continue to live in our little man cave.

  I head down the stairs after leaving Rose’s room. I heard her mumbling Lacey’s name over and over. Not able to stand the thought of her having nightmares, I went in there, gently woke her, and heard her concerns, before winking and telling her to try to get some sleep again.

  Now I’m not able to sleep. Not that I could to start with, but I’m done trying. When I reach the kitchen, I pour myself a small glass of whatever alcohol is in the fridge and sit at the table, staring at the wall for a moment.

  Where the hell is Sage? What is she doing? What is she thinking?

  Ring! Ring!

  I immediately snatch it up.



  My blood chills. Aaron.

  Of course he’d use one of his few fucking phone calls to torment me.

  “Where’s my daughter now? You move her?”

  “Yes,” I grit out, teeth clenched.


  “Tell Rod to let Sage go. I’ll do what you want. Just… fuck, let her go.”

  “Actually, I don’t think you’re doing enough to protect Rose. I think you’re so jealous of her, you can’t see straight,” he says coolly.

  “No. Fuck you, you good for nothing piece of shit! I’m doing my job. You don’t think I’d protect her regardless? I’m not fucking with you. She’s a kid caught up in bad shit. Jealousy isn’t a fucking factor in this.”

  “Calm down, son. Do as you’re told and nothing will happen to your little girlfriend.” I can almost see the fucker rolling his eyes like this is no big deal. “She’ll be fine,” he grumbles.

  “You’re gonna destroy Sage. Just let her live her life. This is between me, you, Rose, and the goddamn mafia, Marketta. I’ve been nothing but loyal to you, and you’ve treated me like shit. I’ve never asked for one fucking thing from you. Just leave Sage out of this. That’s all I’m asking.”




  I slam the phone down on the table and before I can stop it, I throw the nearest vase across the room. I’m gonna go crazy. The rage inside me is like a disease. That fucking…

  “Nix! Nix! Stop,” I hear Rose shriek out of nowhere. I left her upstairs!

  I grab a plate from the table and throw it to the ground.

  “Nix!” Rose’s cold hand wraps around my forearm. “Nix,” she whispers, her big blue eyes full of worry.

  I’m so angry I know I’m staring daggers into her. None of this is her fault, but of course she’s the favorite child. The people she loves don’t get kidnapped and hurt. Just mine!

  “You should go upstairs, sis,” I warn her.

  “I’m not leaving you here to suffer alone.”

  She lifts her chin and purses her lips slightly defiantly, before dragging me to the couch to sit. With that, I deflate.

  Fuck, Sage. I just put her even more at risk by begging Aaron like that. What was I thinking?!

  Before I can drop my head in my hands, Rose is over with a wet paper towel, wrapping it around my bleeding palm.

  “Your hands are bleeding,” she explains.

  “Thank you.”

  I mean it. She’s being kind, given my level of psycho right now. I gently take the paper towel from her and hold it to my palm. She pulls up a chair in front of me.

  … And then t
he questions begin. Dangerous questions.

  So you don’t work for my father?

  He’s blackmailing you with Sage?

  Maybe I should try talking to him?

  That last question was laughable and really showed how good he was to her and how naive she really is.

  Talk? To Aaron Marketta? Ha! I probably just got Sage beaten for showing that kind of weakness.

  On the way back to her room, Rose wobbles a bit, like she’s dizzy and losing her footing. I’d been trying not draw attention to her ever-thinning frame, but her passing out is where I draw the line. So I say something.


  Big mistake, apparently.

  Fuckin’ hell does she lay into me.

  Apparently, that’s the thing she protects, because the second I questioned her about her intake and offered to make her some food, she lost it.

  Her feelings spilled out of her mouth in quick succession.

  She doesn’t care about food because her father uses her love as a puzzle piece in his criminal empire, her best friend is being held captive again, and she now feels like I’m only helping her because Aaron’s holding my girlfriend captive. Which is not true. That’s only a piece of it. But it is how Rose feels. Which, that sucks. I need to fix that.

  And I do.

  It doesn’t take more than a few minutes for me to sneak back into Rose’s room after we both went up there and she kicked me out to cry. We share such a perfect bonding moment. Apologies are said, but the silence of us sitting on the floor together, sharing such heavy emotions, says more.

  If only I could tell her I’m her older brother!

  I almost slip and tell her then, but Rose already knows Sage is at risk if I fail to keep her safe. If she knew that I was his son, too, that he was capable of blackmailing his own kid, that he hid a brother from her… she’d definitely hate him.

  And Sage would pay for that.

  So I don’t slip.

  But as we’re talking, an idea occurs to me. I think of my love for Sage, and how I’d do anything for her, even if it meant ripping my own heart out. I think back to how this mafia Sven guy looked at Rose when we were outside the cabin earlier. Even with Lacey’s sacrifice, he could have fought me and tried to take Rose.